Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ways to Lighten and Brighten That Smile

No one wants a dingy, yellow smile that makes others cringe. Teeth are meant to be white and attractive. This is why so many people search for ways to lighten and brighten their choppers. Whiter teeth encourage a more youthful appearance, and restore confidence, allowing people to smile more often. While a professional whitening procedure at the dentist is one option for reducing stains and discolorations on teeth, there are less expensive alternatives to consider as well. Here are a few simple methods to help whiten teeth.

Eating foods that are high in cellulose, such as apples, carrots, and celery help prevent tooth discolorations and stains. This is because these forms of produce help polish the teeth while they are being chewed. Not to mention, fruits and vegetables provide natural health benefits as well.

Baking soda is an old-fashioned way to brighten up and polish the teeth. Since these tiny granules scrub away at the surface of teeth, discolorations are reduced, and the teeth soon appear whiter and cleaner. However, too much baking soda can irritate the gums, so it is important to brush carefully.

Over-the-counter tooth whitening kits are available in most drugstores, as well as online. These readily available kits often use whitening gels and trays that are able to lighten teeth up to 10 shades. Whitening kits come with detailed instructions, as well as trays that can be molded to suit any individual.

Brushing more often can help lighten the teeth. It is prudent to brush two or three times each day in order to prevent cavities and the build-up of stains. It is especially helpful to brush after drinking beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine, which cause tooth stains and yellowing. Flossing every day also helps prevent stains and tarter build-up between teeth.

Speaking with a dentist is a great way to learn more about teeth whitening methods and options. It is important to make certain that whitening methods are safe before trying them. Regardless of budget, there are whitening products and kits available to meet different needs and help people restore a youthful, bright smile.

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