Thursday, December 18, 2014

At-Home Options for Teeth Whitening

One of the first things people notice about one’s appearance is his or her smile. This is why it pays to have a stellar grin, especially when making a first impression. Unfortunately teeth tend to lose their sparkle as people get older. This is the result of daily eating and drinking habits. Beverages like coffee, tea, and soda can really wreak havoc on that youthful luster teeth initially have. On the bright side, there are steps people can take to restore youth and beauty to their smiles. Teeth whitening procedures and kits are becoming more popular, and this cosmetic correction is easier today than ever before.

Dentists offer several teeth whitening methods, which often involve lightening gels that contain up to 25 percent hydrogen peroxide. Powerful lamps are even used to trigger the lightening gels. While these professional teeth whitening procedures are effective, they can cost a pretty penny. Try around $500. Clearly in-house dental whitening is not affordable for everyone. This is why millions of people turn to tooth whitening kit products. These at-home kits allow people to whiten teeth on their own time, and the cost is much lower. Some of the newer tooth whitening products are able to lighten teeth up to ten shades.

There are a few factors to consider when choosing a teeth whitening system or toothpaste. First of all, it is important to find out if the product is rated well by consumers. It is also wise to compare the cost of tooth whitening products. Find out how the whitening treatment works to eliminate stains. Many of these products contain some form of hydrogen peroxide, which is effective, but can sometimes lead to tooth sensitivity. This is often because some whitening systems are too strong.

It is important to carefully follow the directions of teeth whitening products. For example, many whitening kits state that the user should not eat or drink for a specific amount of time following the treatment. Furthermore, beverages like red wine, coffee, tea, and some sodas may need to be avoided for a number of hours. Not following the instructions can result in poor teeth whitening results.

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