Nearly 100,000 people die each year as the result of medical
mistakes. This can mean the hospital or medical facility lacked necessary
information for caring for the patient, the physician administered a drug that
caused an allergic reaction, or the patient was simply not cared for properly
due to overcrowding or a misdiagnosis. While this is bound to happen at times,
because no one is perfect, healthcare mistakes and patient deaths can certainly
be reduced.
One way to improve patient safety and quality healthcare is
by ensuring that doctors and medical professionals are aware of any and all
medications patients are on. This is mostly up to the patients. So, when visiting
a clinic or hospital for an accident, illness, or health problem, it is
imperative to divulge all information regarding medications and drugs. This
allows medical professionals to determine what medications cannot be taken to
avoid adverse reactions with the current medications. Even all herbal
supplements and vitamins should be clarified to avoid health problems.
Quality and performance improvement in healthcare is also
dependent upon following doctor instructions. For instance, if a physician
tells a patient to avoid all alcohol and caffeine, then the patient must follow
these orders to ensure he or she is safe and does not experience bad reactions
or further health problems. Too often patients do not follow the doctor’s
direct instructions.
Another way to encourage healthcare quality improvement is
by informing doctors and hospital staff members of any allergies and past
health problems that apply. Past surgeries, health disorders, and medication
allergies need to be addressed. It is quite common for patients to leave
information out, which is a serious mistake that could lead to serious
complications or health problems. Patients should take the time to mention all
symptoms and health issues that concern them as well. This can help doctors
fill in the blanks and better assess the health condition.
It is imperative to know how and when to take a prescribed
medication. This can often determine how effective the medication works.
Patients should be sure to ask the doctor or pharmacist questions if uncertain.
It is also important to verify the prescription drug name with the doctor
before leaving the hospital. Sometimes pharmacists cannot read the writing. Although
quality initiatives in healthcare are being taken seriously by hospitals and
physicians, patients need to take them seriously as well. After all, the
patients can also help reduce common healthcare mistakes and improve patient
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