Thursday, December 18, 2014

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Green Tea

It’s no secret that your health tends to degrade as you get older. At least this is the case for people who don’t take overall health and wellness seriously. There are some simple ways to improve your health for the long haul. A well-balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, plenty of fluids, and a nutritious diet can work wonders. Staying properly hydrated and physically active adds years to your life, and allows the body to remain strong, youthful and vibrant. Consuming plenty of water and tea has been proven to help with anti-aging, heart health, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Green tea has been consumed for centuries in Asia in order to boost vitality, improve brain function, and support daily hydration. Herbal tea is enjoyed hot and cold, and 5 surprising health benefits of green tea include antioxidant protection, elevated energy levels, a healthier bladder, improved skin health, and lower stress levels. Like water, green tea may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as well. This is because green tea is 99 percent water, and it keeps the blood viscosity and plasma viscosity in the blood at lower levels.

Fight those free radicals!

The antioxidants or polyphenols in green tea help combat damaging free radicals in the body, which can help prevent cancer. Antioxidants are also commonly found in fruits and vegetables, which should be a major part of your diet.

Need a boost?

Since green tea has mild levels of caffeine, it naturally elevates your energy, which is excellent for daily exercise and staying fit. The more energy you have, the more likely you are to stay active.

Tea keeps the bladder clean.

The caffeine in green tea acts as a mild diuretic, which promotes urination. This helps keep the bladder flushed out. A clean bladder means a lower risk of bladder infections and UTI problems.  

Want clear and healthy skin?

Let’s not forget about your skin. Staying properly hydrated is imperative for healthy and radiant skin. The more water and green tea you drink, the more toxins and impurities are flushed out of your body. This means fewer acne breakouts. Green tea also helps promote colon health and regularity, which has a positive impact on your complexion as well.

Feeling stressed out?

Since stress is the root of many health problems, reducing and eliminating stress is important for overall wellness. Fortunately green tea relaxes the body and mind, which means less stress to wreak havoc on your health. It’s not called a soothing cup of tea for nothing.  

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